8th Battalion |
8th Brigade / 3rd Division |
7th July : Carnoy. 14th July : Attacks between Longueval and Bazentin-le-Grand. 20th July : North of Montauban. 22nd-23rd July : Bernafay Wood / Trônes Wood. 25th July : Happy Valley. 26th July : Meaulte. ******** 13th August : Happy Valley. 14th August : Fricourt area. 16th August : Talus Boisé. 17th August : In front line South of Guillemont. 18th August : Attack South-East of Arrow Head Copse. 20th August : Carnoy. 21st August : Meaulte. ******** Late October - Early November : Tours in line in front of Serre. 13th November : Attack of Serre. November : Tours in line in front of Serre.
292 names |
15993 Private Thomas Willie ACASTER Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
15699 Private Geoffrey ALDERSON Killed in action on the 20th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1415 Private Robert George ALDERTON Killed in action on the 21st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19866 Private John William ALLEN Killed in action on the 21st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1329 Private Thomas ALLOTT Died of wounds on the 28th August 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Abbeville Communal Cemetery
27909 Private William Daniel ANDREW Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
225387 Private Reginald ANTHONY Died of wounds on the 18th August 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13688 Private John William ARKLE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
15333 Private Andrew ARNOLD Killed in action on the 22nd July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17784 Private Frederick William ATKIN Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21564 Private John William ATKINSON Killed in action on the 21st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
27910 Private Victor AYRES Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Rest in peace in Queen's Cemetery, Puisieux
15210 Corporal James BAINBRIDGE Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 31 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
11832 Private Barnett BARADOSRY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14964 Private William BARRASS Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
27913 Private Arthur George BARRINGER Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
12712 Private Thomas BARTLEY Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19966 Private Mathew Norman BARTON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1397 Private John Henry BARTRAM Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 28 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
30941 Private Louis BATEMAN Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in AIF Burial Ground
7760 Private Albert Edward BELL Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
13467 Private George BELL Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13477 Lance Corporal William Henry BELL Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 31 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14421 Private Herbert BENTLEY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13320 Private Daniel BERRY Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Dantzig Alley British Cemetery
31319 Private Richard BERRY Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19594 Private John BETTS Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
17520 Private Albert BIBBY Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
9969 Private George BINNS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain Norman Pilkington BLAKE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Quarry Cemetery, Montauban
10/1255 Private Francis Daniel BOAST Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 32 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
6339 Private Charles William BOOTHBY Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Guillemont Road Cemetery
3/7333 Private William James BOWDEN Died of wounds on the 23rd July 1916 - Age 41 Rest in peace in Bois Guillaume Communal Cemetery
16223 Lance Corporal Humphrey BRADBURY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
9433 Private George BRADDY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17123 Private George Alder BRADFORD Died of wounds on the 21st August 1916 Rest in peace in Pelton Cemetery
317702 Private William BRATTAN Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 45 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/17388 Private David BRINDLEY Died of wounds on the 5th August 1916 - Age 18 Rest in peace in Abbeville Communal Cemetery
3/6511 Private William BRODIE Died of wounds on the 14th July 1916 - Age 34 Rest in peace in La Neuville British Cemetery
B/1448 Private Abraham BROWN Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21072 Private William Henry BROWN Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
8065 Private William BURKE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14212 Lance Corporal Matthew BURNS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 35 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1265 Private George BURTON Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14/140 Private Francis CALLAGAN Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Rest in peace in Quarry Cemetery, Montauban
21086 Private William CAMMELL Killed in action on the 17th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
11/274 Private Herbert CAPES Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21073 Private Herbert CARTER Died of wounds on the 21st July 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
13803 Sergeant Cecil CLARK Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13524 Private John Samuel CLAYTON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 40 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
31300 Sapper John William CLIFFORD Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14872 Private George William COATES Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Peronne Road Cemetery
21065 Private Henry Joseph COE Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
5195 Lance Corporal Fredrick COGGRAVE Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 31 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
14/165 Private Clarence Henry COLLETT Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 27 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1287 Private Victor William CORLYON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16219 Private Edwin COTTERILL Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Second Lieutenant Francis George CROCKER Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
15346 Private Edward CROOKS Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1270 Private Herbert CROSS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
30964 Private Walter CROSS Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
202959 Private Walter CROSS Killed in action on the 17th November 1916 - Age 27 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16973 Private Joseph William CUNLIFFE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 24 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1338 Private George William CUTTS Died of wounds on the 23rd August 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Corbie Communal Cemetery Extension
13348 Lance Corporal George DAVIS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/7451 Sergeant Edward DAY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
27952 Private Thomas DAY Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
22710 Private Alfred Edward DEVINE Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
7991 Private John DEVONISH Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 36 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1329 Sergeant George Henry DIMMOCK Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Guillemont Road Cemetery
22063 Private Walter DOBSON Died of wounds on the 20th August 1916 - Age 33 Rest in peace in Dive Copse British Cemetery
5683 Sergeant Frederick DODDS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 42 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
22569 Private George Arthur DREWERY Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
18384 Private James DROONEY Killed in action on the 21st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21691 Private Harry Newmarsh DUGGLEBY Died of wounds on the 18th August 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Corbie Communal Cemetery Extension
31296 Lance Corporal Samuel DUNHAM Died of wounds on the 14th November 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
316316 Private John EASTWOOD Killed in action on the 15th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17813 Private Walter EDMONDS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17158 Sergeant James ELLIOTT Killed in action on the 15th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain William ELMHIRST Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
19516 Sergeant George Nesbitt ELWEN Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
18565 Private Thomas H. EVANS Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
21908 Private Arthur FEWSTER Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
8471 Private Arthur FISHER Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
9453 Lance Corporal George FORBES Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14/81 Lance Corporal Harry Nettleton FOSTER Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14819 Private William FOSTER Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21676 Private Arthur FREER Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
7962 Private Thomas FULLWOOD Killed in action on the 21st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1246 Private Edward Oswald GALE Detached from The 5th Cyclist Bn, Army Cyclist Corps Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
18860 Lance Corporal Edward GALLACHER Detached from The 10th Yorkshire Died of wounds on the 20th August 1916 Rest in peace in La Neuville British Cemetery |
14956 Private Wilfred James GARNETT Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21729 Private Cecil Edgar Leonard GARROD Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13479 Private Thomas GARTON Killed in action on the 24th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/7607 Private John GATENBY Died of wounds on the 11th July 1916 Rest in peace in Daours Communal Cemetery Extension
3/6914 Private John GIBBINS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
27964 Private Eddie Frederick GIBSON Died of wounds on the 17th November 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Couin British Cemetery
17019 Private Henry GILCHRIST Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 30 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/6411 Private George Arthur GILL Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
31396 Private Alfred GOMERSON Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Courcelles-au-Bois Communal Cemetery Ext.
21206 Private George GREEN Died of wounds on the 19th July 1916 - Age 41 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
15737 Corporal Samuel John Storey GREEN Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
10/1377 Lance Corporal Charles GUISE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Cerisy-Gailly Military Cemetery
3/6638 Private John GUNNING Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
316033 Private John HAGAN Killed in action on the 15th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21060 Private George Herbert HALDENBY Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
22826 Private Harold Arthur Digby HALL Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Euston Road Cemetery
13056 Private John HANLEY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
6682 Company Sergeant Major Richard HARDMAN Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Rest in peace in Carnoy Military Cemetery
30949 Private William Ernest HARE Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
19331 Private Ernest Edwy HARRISON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13472 Private James HARRISON Killed in action on the 19th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Lieutenant Joachim Charles HARTERT Killed in action on the 28th October 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Courcelles-au-Bois Communal Cemetery Ext.
Second Lieutenant Richard HARTLEY Killed on the 11th November 1916 - Age 31 Rest in peace in Puchevillers British Cemetery
10/501 Private Samuel Edgar HARWOOD Killed in action on the 19th July 1916 Rest in peace in London Cemetery and Extension
10689 Private Frederick George HATFIELD Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21922 Private Ernest Henry HAYKINGS Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 30 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
27969 Private Albert HEFFORD Died of wounds on the 14th November 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Varennes Military Cemetery
14/173 Private John Howard HILL Killed in action on the 24th July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
9/15294 Private John Edward HODGSON Died of wounds on the 20th July 1916 Rest in peace in Abbeville Communal Cemetery
20994 Private William Edward HODGSON Died of wounds on the 23rd August 1916 - Age 39 Rest in peace in Corbie Communal Cemetery Extension
27968 Private Percy Gordon HOLLIDAY Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
20007 Private Joseph HOLLISTER Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 31 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1395 Private William HOLMES Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/6425 Private Albert HOOD Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
18074 Private Solomon HULME Died of wounds on the 28th July 1916 Rest in peace in Boulogne Eastern Cemetery
18472 Private Harry HUMBERSTONE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17183 Private Edward HUNTER Killed in action on the 17th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14691 Private Stephen IBINSON Killed in action on the 22nd July 1916 - Age 27 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17791 Private Herbert IRELAND Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
27973 Private George IRESON Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
6636 Company Sergeant Major Charles JACKSON Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13269 Private George Henry JACKSON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
225306 Private Herbert JACKSON Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14/42 Private Reginald JACKSON Died of wounds on the 15th July 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Corbie Communal Cemetery Extension
21703 Private John Robert JANES Died of wounds on the 19th July 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
9/21233 Private George JAYES Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Rest in peace in Dantzig Alley British Cemetery
19522 Private George JOHNSON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16254 Private Joseph William JOHNSON Died of wounds on the 25th August 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Cornforth (Holy Trinity) Churchyard
3/6309 Private William JOHNSON Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16624 Lance Corporal William George JOHNSON Killed in action on the 1st November 1916 - Age 35 Rest in peace in Couin British Cemetery
17023 Private John JONES Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/19932 Private Reginald Arthur JONES Died of wounds on the 19th July 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in La Neuville British Cemetery Rhyl War Memorial |
15870 Private William Henry JONES Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
27974 Private William James JONES Died of wounds on the 25th December 1916 - Age 34 Rest in peace in Northampton (Kingsthorpe) Cemetery
10/1432 Private Harold Hooper JORDAN Killed in action on the 25th July 1916 - Age 27 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13/1208 Private Alfred JOYCE Killed in action on the 24th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
20050 Private John KEVILL Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 34 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
19634 Private John KNOX Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16554 Private George Barrass LAING Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 29 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17642 Private John LANE Died of wounds on the 1st November 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Boulogne Eastern Cemetery
13315 Private Archibald Beck LARSON Killed in action on the 20th July 1916 - Age 17 Rest in peace in Quarry Cemetery, Montauban
19369 Private William Henry LAWS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
11533 Private John William LEACHMAN Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Rest in peace in Quarry Cemetery, Montauban
3/16192 Private Samuel LEETHAM Died of wounds on the 19th August 1916 - Age 36 Rest in peace in Bubwith (All Saints) Cemetery Bubwith War Memorial |
13822 Lance Corporal Joseph LEIGHTON Killed in action on the 24th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14680 Private William LIDDELL Died of wounds on the 19th August 1916 Rest in peace in Daours Communal Cemetery Extension
18320 Private Alfred LINDSEY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13777 Private Bertie LINKLATER Killed in action on the 25th July 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1328 Private Frederick LINSLEY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13728 Private Richard LISGO Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
27979 Private Robert Aubrey LOAKES Killed in action on the 29th November 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
15652 Private Thomas LOWERY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16911 Private George William LUKE Died of wounds on the 21st July 1916 - Age 30 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
16622 Private George LYALL Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
22572 Private Arthur LYON Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 30 Rest in peace in Bertrancourt Military Cemetery
11839 Private Herbert LYONS Died of wounds on the 22nd July 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Abbeville Communal Cemetery
22563 Private Thomas MANSELL Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 30 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
21115 Lance Corporal Frank Tindell MARSON Killed in action on the 15th July 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19643 Private Harry MASON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 39 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21143 Private Ernest MATSON Died of wounds on the 16th July 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
20105 Private John George MAWSON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 36 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
11723 Private George Alec McCANN Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
23100 Private Robert Henry METCALF Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Rest in peace in Guillemont Road Cemetery
8570 Sergeant George MIDMER Died of wounds on the 16th July 1916 Rest in peace in La Neuville British Cemetery
Captain Thomas Henry Lewis MILLS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 41 Rest in peace in Quarry Cemetery, Montauban
16837 Corporal Francis Joseph MOORE Killed in action on the 20th July 1916 - Age 45 Rest in peace in Carnoy Military Cemetery
16971 Private Harry MOORE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
24233 Private Ernest MORGAN Detached from The 8th York and Lancaster Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
22700 Private Ernest MORRIS Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 24 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
8971 Sergeant Alfred Bertram Horace MURGATROYD Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/7157 Private Samuel MUSGRAVE Killed in action on the 21st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21537 Private Herbert MUSSETT Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
23083 Private Bertie MYERS Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 28 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/6642 Private Edward NAYLOR Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14005 Private T. NEAL Died of wounds on the 22nd July 1916 Rest in peace in Mericourt-l'Abbe Communal Cemetery Ext.
21532 Private Herman NEEDLER Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Dantzig Alley British Cemetery
17890 Private Thomas NELSON Killed in action on the 28th November 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Puchevillers British Cemetery Allerton Bywater War Memorial |
14432 Private Oswald Aidan NEWCOMB Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16506 Private James NEY Died of wounds on the 28th August 1916 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
31349 Private Bernard NICHOLS Died of wounds on the 6th December 1916 Rest in peace in Sheffield (Burngreave) Cemetery
21202 Private Thomas Hamilton NICHOLSON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16687 Corporal Alexander Gordon NOBLE, MM Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 27 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21253 Private Herbert NOBLE Killed in action on the 21st July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
23104 Private Albert NORMAN Died of wounds on the 14th November 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Forceville Communal Cemetery & Ext.
3/6604 Private Joseph NORTHIN Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
31336 Sergeant David NUTTALL Killed in action on the 4th November 1916 Rest in peace in Euston Road Cemetery
14676 Private Edward Samuel OWENS Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
20076 Private John Kent PARK Killed in action on the 20th July 1916 - Age 38 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
11259 Private George William PARKER Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
11596 Corporal Frederick PLAYFOOT Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17034 Sergeant Robert PLENDERLEATH Died of wounds on the 13th November 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Courcelles-au-Bois Communal Cemetery Ext.
3/7447 Private George Alfred PLUMMER Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 29 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21770 Private George POTTS Killed in action on the 3rd November 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Euston Road Cemetery
13342 Private John Henry PRICE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13373 Private Edward RAINE Killed in action on the 24th July 1916 - Age 33 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
7673 Private George Arthur RHODES Killed in action on the 21st July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
11675 Corporal Thomas Alfred RHODES Killed in action on the 16th November 1916 - Age 33 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
9449 Lance Sergeant Walter RILEY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Rest in peace in London Cemetery and Extension
16679 Sergeant Robert Hunter ROBINSON Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 32 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1336 Private William Beecroft ROCKINGHAM Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
12375 Private John ROLLING Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
22743 Private George SAMPSON Killed in action on the 3rd November 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Euston Road Cemetery
Lieutenant George Steuart SAMUEL Died of wounds on the 14th July 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Corbie Communal Cemetery Extension
14/195 Private George Henry SANDERS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
11282 Private George SCOTT Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/6524 Lance Sergeant James SCOTT Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/7237 Private James SEDDON Died of wounds on the 16th July 1916 - Age 36 Rest in peace in La Neuville British Cemetery
19483 Private Richard SEWELL Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 40 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21200 Private Harry SHANN Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16567 Sergeant Alan SHARPLESS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
11867 Private George SHEPHERD Killed in action on the 22nd July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
18689 Private Ernest SHORT Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Second Lieutenant Norman SIMON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13/1232 Sergeant Samuel SISSONS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14/39 Private Albert Henry SMITH Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
11041 Private Charles Edward SMITH Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17663 Private Daniel SMITH Died of wounds on the 27th August 1916 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
21099 Private Thomas Henry SMITH Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
1487 Private Walter W. SMITH Detached from The 1/5th East Yorkshire Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
13372 Private Cuthbert SNAITH Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
Captain Norris SNELL Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14409 Private William James SOUTHALL Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
215701 Private Harry SPALDING Killed in action on the 21st July 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
25489 Private Horace STANCILL Detached from The 8th York and Lancaster Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial |
3/6018 Lance Corporal Ernest STANLEY Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 24 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13520 Lance Corporal John STEAD Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 44 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21051 Private Harry STEVENSON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Bernafay Wood British Cemetery
9131 Lance Corporal Charles Frederick STEWART Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1347 Private Harold STONEHOUSE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19308 Private Thomas SUNLEY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1451 Private Arthur Joseph SUTTON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
20058 Private George Richard SWALLOW Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
9960 Private James SWEENEY Died of wounds on the 23rd July 1916 Rest in peace in Abbeville Communal Cemetery
21859 Private William Edmund SWIFT Killed in action on the 4th November 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Euston Road Cemetery
15023 Corporal Robert Botcherby SWORD Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
11177 Private James TARPY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain Conrad Paul TAYLOR Killed in action on the 28th October 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Courcelles-au-Bois Communal Cemetery Ext.
10/1349 Private George William TAYLOR Killed in action on the 19th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21865 Private Victor TAYLOR Killed in action on the 4th November 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
31311 Private Henry THEWLIS Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
18089 Private John THOMAS Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 40 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
12010 Private John Harold THORLEY Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 28 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16245 Corporal Robert THUBRON Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1324 Private Frank TINDALE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
34868 Private Charles Ratcliffe TINDALL Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
17781 Private Christopher Bell TINDALL Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1426 Private Stanley TONKINSON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19514 Private Thomas TUKE Killed in action on the 25th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16465 Private Frank William TYE Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
Lieutenant Launcelot Adrian Hope TYRRELL Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
660 Private William VOSE Died of wounds on the 1st August 1916 - Age 41 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
12142 Sergeant Arthur WADDINGHAM, MM Died of wounds on the 21st November 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery Extension
Second Lieutenant Harold Robert WALES Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
21047 Private Henry WALKER Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
18189 Private John WARD Killed in action on the 24th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1299 Private John George WARDLE Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19107 Private Richard WATSON Killed in action on the 25th July 1916 - Age 16 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16032 Private Arthur WAUDBY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Z/524 Private Arthur WAUDBY Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
12/513 Private Walter Hicks WEST Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14871 Private William WHITE Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1344 Private William James WHYTE Killed in action on the 25th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Lieutenant William Edmund Clare WIGFALL, MC Died of wounds on the 29th August 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Boulogne Eastern Cemetery
19590 Private James WILKINSON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
31434 Private Sam WILKINSON Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13/1261 Private William Henry WILKINSON Died of wounds on the 25th July 1916 - Age 35 Rest in peace in Corbie Communal Cemetery Extension
14435 Private Joseph WILLIS Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
19775 Private Anthony WILSON Died of wounds on the 19th July 1916 Rest in peace in La Neuville British Cemetery
17782 Private George WILSON Killed in action on the 24th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10/1444 Private Percy WILSON Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
18243 Private Charles Henry WOOD Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
10946 Private Herbert WOOD Killed in action on the 18th August 1916 - Age 40 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/7225 Private Tom WOOD Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 43 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
3/6950 Private Clifton WRIGHT Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16711 Private Harry WRIGHT Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
13/486 Private James WRIGHT Killed in action on the 13th November 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°1
14259 Private Stanley WRIGHT Killed in action on the 27th November 1916 - Age 26 Rest in peace in Euston Road Cemetery
15889 Private Edward YAPP Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 - Age 38 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
16244 Lance Corporal James YOUNG, MM Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
14645 Private John Ritson YOUNG Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
17105 Private William YOUNG Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Commemorated on Thiepval Memorial
Captain Charles Quinton SAWYER Killed in action on the 14th July 1916 Rest in peace in Quarry Cemetery, Montauban |