2nd New Zealand Infantry Brigade / New Zealand Division |
8th September : Dernancourt. 10th September : Albert. Fricourt Wood. 12th September : Carlton Trench / Check Trench. 15th September : Attack and taking of Flers. Detached to the 3rd Brigade, in position between Longueval and High Wood in the morning. Moving to Flers village in the afternoon. 17th September : Relieved. Wood Lane and T Trench. Night of the 18th-19th September : Relief of the 1st Wellington in Flers. 21st September : Relieved. Wood Lane and Switch Trench. Night of the 27th-28th September : Gird Trench. 30th September : Relieved. Goose Alley / Flers Support. 1st October : Attack and taking of German positions North-East of Eaucourt-l'Abbaye. Night of the 3rd-4th October : Relieved. 4th October : Fricourt.
128 names |
23774 Private Frederick Arthur ALLEN Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 30 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3805 Private Frederick Arthur ALLEN Died of wounds on the 19th November 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Fort Pitt Military Cemetery
23780 Private Ernest ASHWORTH Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 34 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
24/1587 Private Arthur BAKER Killed in action on the 20th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3178 Private Henry Johnston BAKER Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 Rest in peace in Warlencourt British Cemetery
12/3908 Private Thomas Edward BARBER Killed in action on the 17th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
11801 Private Robert Avon BEATTIE Killed in action on the 14th September 1916 - Age 27 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
10/3488 Private John BLACK Died of wounds on the 11th October 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Netley Military Cemetery
10/4056 Private Charles BOULT Died of wounds on the 15th October 1916 - Age 32 Commemorated on St Sever Cemetery
13/3113 Private Claude BOYLE Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 20 Commemorated on Bulls Road Cemetery
23/1570 Private Percival Septimus BREW Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 24 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/4065 Private Frank Rochester BROWN Killed in action on the 3rd October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
9/2155 Private Hamish Thomas BRYCE Killed in action on the 20th September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
23/88 Private James BURR Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/1429 Private Richard Patrick BUTLER Killed in action on the 1st October 1916 - Age 33 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
23141 Private Claude CALLAGHAN Killed in action on the 29th September 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3850 Private William Anderson CAMPBELL Died of wounds on the 23rd September 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
23755 Private Elijah John CAREY Died of wounds on the 14th October 1916 - Age 39 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
10/3503 Private James CATTERMOLE Died of wounds on the 13th October 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Abbeville Communal Cemetery Ext.
24/1615 Private Harry CHAMBERS Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
11828 Private James Francis CHAMBERS Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
8/1438 Private John Hazelwood COOPER Killed in action on the 1st October 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
12355 Private Eugene Leo COURTNEY Died of wounds on the 29th September 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Dartmoor Cemetery
Second Lieutenant Alfred Cranstone COWIE Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Warlencourt British Cemetery
25/1699 Private Stephen COX-SMITH Died of wounds on the 4th October 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
10186 Private James CRAIG Killed in action on the 30th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
13426 Private James CRAWFORD Killed in action on the 19th September 1916 - Age 36 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
9/1537 Private Michael CROWLEY Died of wounds on the 3rd October 1916 - Age 36 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
24/1633 Corporal Clifford Harold CURRAN Killed in action on the 13th September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Quarry Cemetery, Montauban
10/3232 Private Norman Henry Ellison CURTIS Killed in action on the 29th September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in A.I.F. Burial Ground
5/332 Private Bertie George DEVERSON Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
13428 Private Ernest DEWAR Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 28 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3240 Lance Sergeant Joseph Lawrence DOBBYN Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 Rest in peace in Warlencourt British Cemetery
10/2588 Private Francis Patrick DONNELLY Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3247 Private Matthew Allan DUNN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
11850 Private William Henry DYKE Killed in action on the 3rd October 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3875 Private Alexandra EWING Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
11857 Private Harold John FEVER Died of wounds on the 1st October 1916 Rest in peace in Dartmoor Cemetery
10/628 Lance Corporal George John FISHER Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 Rest in peace in Warlencourt British Cemetery
11/1546 Private John FITZGERALD, MM Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Warlencourt British Cemetery
10/3798 Private Samuel FLETCHER Died of wounds on the 14th October 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in St Sever Cemetery
10/2136 Lance Corporal Thomas Joseph FOGARTY Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3883 Private Claude Neville FURZE Killed in action on the 18th September 1916 - Age 19 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3884 Private James Henry FURZE Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3263 Private Robert GALBRAITH Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
9/1555 Private Eric George GERRARD-ELSWORTH Killed in action on the 1st October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/91A Private Austin GIBBONS Died of wounds on the 20th September 1916 - Age 46 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
17/303 Lance Corporal Walter Jefferis GIBBONS Killed in action on the 30th September 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
12380 Private Arthur Charles George GIBBS Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
24/1663 Private John Thomas GIDDENS Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
11864 Private William Henry GILCHRIST Died of wounds on the 17th September 1916 - Age 27 Rest in peace in Dartmoor Cemetery
10/4460 Private Frank GOULD Killed in action on the 20th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3915 Private Henry John HAMBLYN Killed in action on the 3rd October 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/4464 Private David HAMILTON Died of wounds on the 8th October 1916 - Age 31 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
10/3580 Private Godfrey Page HANIFY Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
10/881 Sergeant Ernest Joshua HARRIS Died of wounds on the 12th November 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
8/397 Private James HARTNETT Died of wounds on the 16th September 1916 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
23831 Private Thomas HENDERSON Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3596 Private Alexander Joseph HOARE Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 35 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
10/3296 Sergeant Walter Anderson HOLMES, MM Died of wounds on the 3rd October 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
10/3603 Private Charles Leslie HUTCHINSON Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
24/1403 Private Stanley Clifford JOHNSTON Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3615 Lance Corporal James William JONES Killed in action on the 14th September 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
11486 Private Noel Luttrell JORDAN Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Warlencourt British Cemetery
24/1406 Private Frank KEIGHTLEY Killed in action on the 14th September 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
10/3620 Private Cecil William KELLY Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/1275 Private Edmund Charles KNYVETT Killed in action on the 16th-17th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3931 Private Charles LANGDON Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
10/3627 Lance Corporal Godfrey LASSEN Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 30 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10241 Private Albert LUTY Killed in action on the 20th September 1916 - Age 30 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
12422 Private William LYNCH Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3660 Private Henry John MacGIBBON Killed in action on the 19th September 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10369 Private Alexander MACRAE Killed in action on the 1st October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3644 Private Frederick MARTIN Died of wounds on the 2nd October 1916 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
10/4477 Private Samuel Davidson MATTHEW Died of wounds on the 5th December 1916 - Age 29 Rest in peace in Nunhead (All Saints) Cemetery
10/13 Private Charles Clanronald McDONALD Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 35 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
24/2049 Private Owen McEVOY Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Rest in peace in A.I.F. Burial Ground
24/1727 Private Donald McGILLIVRAY Killed in action on the 14th September 1916 - Age 46 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
11/1351 Private George McKENZIE Killed in action on the 29th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/2692 Private John McLAUGHLAN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
10/3677 Private Murdoch Thomas McLEOD Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 19 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
5/1562A Private James McWILLIAM Died of wounds on the 21st September 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
10/3950 Private Harry Conrad MEENAN Killed in action on the 14th September 1916 - Age 26 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
24/1746 Private Sydney Lawrence MERCER Died of wounds on the 25th September 1916 - Age 23 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
23847 Private Thomas George MILLS Died of wounds on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
10/3352 Private Mooney Alexander Okley MOONEY Killed in action on the 13th September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Quarry Cemetery, Montauban
11505 Private Lewis John MOOSMAN Killed in action on the 1st October 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Warlencourt British Cemetery
10/3655 Private Patrick MULCAHY Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
13459 Private Thomas MULLINS Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
13463 Private Allan NEWPORT Killed in action on the 1st October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
23/2055 Private Ernest NICHOLLS Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 Rest in peace in Warlencourt British Cemetery
10/3688 Private George Patrick O'CONNOR Killed in action on the 29th September 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3356 Private Lionel Gibbons OKEY Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 28 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
8/4196 Private Ingolf Emil OLSEN Killed in action on the 19th September 1916 - Age 24 Rest in peace in Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
10/3692 Sergeant Alfred William ORDISH Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 22 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
23/2061 Private Claude PARKER Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 24 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/4167 Private Richard PARKYN Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 32 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/39 Private Stanley Edwin PLAYLE Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3983 Private Augustus POTROZ Died of wounds on the 17th September 1916 - Age 31 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
11940 Private Frederick Charles QUATERMAN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3708 Private Thomas George QUICKENDEN Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
23/2078 Private John RITCHIE Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 45 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
25/905 Private Frederick John ROBERTS Died of wounds on the 21st October 1916 - Age 37 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
24/1802 Private William Henry RUSH Died of wounds on the 5th October 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
10056 Private William SANDERSON Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 40 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
11/2219 Private Arthur Herbert SAWYER Killed in action on the 21st September 1916 - Age 18 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
23/2528 Private William SHAW Killed in action on the 14th September 1916 - Age 25 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3735 Lance Corporal John Alexander SHERRET Killed in action on the 14th September 1916 - Age 25 Rest in peace in Flatiron Copse Cemetery
23/2089 Private Tom Handley SKELLON Died of wounds on the 21st September 1916 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
23/1821 Private William SPILLANE Killed in action on the 22nd September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
11/1973 Private Edward STEPHENS Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/4203 Private Arthur STEVENS Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
8/2482 Private David Reid STEWART Killed in action on the 21st September 1916 - Age 22 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
11/1978 Private John STEWART Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 21 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3747 Sergeant Alexander Gordon STIRRAT Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 Rest in peace in Serre Road Cemetery n°2
10/3748 Private Robert Stanley STOWERS Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 23 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10061 Private John SWINNEY Died of wounds on the 20th September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Ext.
10/3404 Corporal Alan Gordon Grant TAYLOR Killed in action on the 3rd October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/3755 Private Edward Charks TAYLOR Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
6/1746 Private John WAKELIN Killed in action on the 16th September 1916 - Age 41 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/613 Company Sergeant Major Thomas Leal WARNOCK Killed in action on the 15th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/4496 Private Augustus John David WENCK Died of wounds on the 24th September 1916 - Age 33 Rest in peace in Etaples Military Cemetery
23/2115 Private Ronald Wentworth WHITE Killed in action on the 14th September 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley Cemetery
10/4495 Private Harry WHITELEY Killed in action on the 19th September 1916 - Age 31 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
7/1535 Private Albert Henry WILLIAMS Died of wounds on the 20th September 1916 - Age 20 Rest in peace in Heilly Station Cemetery
10/4217 Private Herbert WILSON Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
10/4218 Private Andrew WOODLEY Died of wounds on the 22nd September 1916 - Age 21 Rest in peace in Brockhenhurst (St Nicholas) Churchyard
10/2795 Private George Daniel YEARBURY Killed in action on the 2nd October 1916 - Age 31 Commemorated on Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial
Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial |
69 |
Etaples Military Cemetery |
10 |
Warlencourt British Cemetery |
8 |
Heilly Station Cemetery |
7 |
Caterpillar Valley Cemetery |
6 |
Serre Road Cemetery n°2 |
6 |
Flatiron Copse Cemetery |
4 |
Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension |
3 |
Dartmoor Cemetery |
3 |
A.I.F. Burial Ground |
2 |
Quarry Cemetery |
2 |
St Sever Cemetery |
2 |
Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension |
1 |
Brockenhurst (St Nicholas) Churchyard |
1 |
Bulls Road Cemetery |
1 |
Fort Pitt Military Cemetery |
1 |
Netley Military Cemetery |
1 |
Nunhead (All Saints) Cemetery |
1 |