FLATIRON COPSE CEMETERY Mametz This cemetery contains 1 572 Commonwealth burials and commemorations of the First World War of whom 1 099 identified casualties of the Battle of the Somme (23rd June-30th November 1916). |
A |
A.J. ABBOTT 1st Bedfordshire |
L.P. ABBOTT 7th Leicestershire |
R. ABRAM Royal Field Artillery |
W.F. ADAM 5th/6th Cameronians |
W.G. ADCOCK Royal Field Artillery |
T. ADENS 13th Royal Scots |
J.R. AGAR 15th Durham Light Infantry |
M. AHERN Royal Field Artillery |
J. AITCHISON 11th Royal Scots |
G. ALDRIDGE 16th Welsh |
D. ALEXANDER, MM 1/21st London |
S.O. ALLAN 1st Cameron Highlanders |
A. ALLEN Royal Field Artillery |
T. ALLINSON 1/5th Yorkshire |
H.K. ALLPORT 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
A. ALMOND 16th K.R.R.C. |
T. ANGUS Royal Field Artillery |
H. ANSTEY 1/3rd London |
H.E. APPLEYARD 12th West Yorkshire |
J. ARCHER Royal Field Artillery |
T.C. ARMITSTEAD 7th Loyal North Lancashire |
T. ARMSTRONG 1/9th Durham Light Infantry |
A.E. ARNOLD 6th Wiltshire |
J.W. ASHTON 18th Northumberland Fusiliers |
A. ASTLES 9th North Staffordshire |
J. ATHERTON 4th Liverpool |
B |
J.T. BABBS 20th Royal Fusiliers |
H.A. BACK 1st Gloucestershire |
A. BADENOCH 1/6th Gordon Highlanders |
E.T. BAILEY 49th Machine Gun Company |
W. BAILEY 1st The Queen's |
W. BAIRD 6th/7th Royal Scots Fusiliers |
W.H. BAKER 1/17th London |
J. BALDING 11th Royal Warwickshire |
W. BALLARD 1/6th Welsh |
W.B. BAMKIN Royal Field Artillery |
R. BANKS 7th South Lancashire |
J. BANNISTER 16th Welsh |
J. BARBOUR 16th Royal Scots |
H. BARLOW 11th Royal Warwickshire |
A.W. BARNES Australian Field Artillery |
H.C. BARNES 2nd Welsh |
E. BARNETT Royal Field Artillery |
T.D. BARNETT Royal Horse Artillery |
A. BARRETT 7th K.R.R.C. |
W.J. BARRETT Royal Field Artillery |
J. BARRON Royal Field Artillery |
E. BARTON 1/10th London |
A. BASWITZ, MC 1/22nd London |
J. BATTENBOUGH 1/6th Welsh |
E.E. BAUGH 1/6th London |
W. BAYLISS 13th K.R.R.C. |
A. BEACH Royal Field Artillery |
L. BEARD 1st Gloucestershire |
B. BECK, MC 4th Liverpool |
J. BEGG 18th Highland Light Infantry |
H. BELL Royal Army Medical Corps |
D. BENNETT 1/8th Royal Scots |
J.E. BENNETT 1st Cameronians |
G. BENTLEY 13th Northumberland Fusiliers |
W.C. BENVIE 1st Black Watch |
A. BETTS 17th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
J. BEVERIDGE 9th Gordon Highlanders |
M. BILLINGSLEY Royal Field Artillery |
W. BIRCH 2nd Royal Warwickshire |
R.J. BIRD 1st Middlesex |
W.M. BIRD 9th Loyal North Lancashire |
W. BISHOP 2nd K.R.R.C. |
G. BLACKHALL 14th Northumberland Fusiliers |
G. BLACKHALL 1/6th Gordon Highlanders |
C.V. BLAIN 1st Cheshire |
F.E. BLEARS 16th Manchester |
D. BLUE 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
E. BLYTH 7th K.O.Y.L.I. |
F.W. BODILY 92nd Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
B. BOOTH Royal Field Artillery |
A. BOSELEY 17th Manchester |
J. BOUCH 112h Machine Gun Company |
F. BOURNE 1st Middlesex |
B. BOWE 2nd Royal Irish Regiment |
J. BOWEN 1/12th London |
R.C. BOYD 8th Devonshire |
G.S. BRACKENBURY 1/7th Durham Light Infantry |
W.G. BRAINE 6th Wiltshire |
A.A. BRAND Royal Field Artillery |
W. BRAND Royal Field Artillery |
W. BRAND 13th Royal Scots |
W.A. BRAND 2nd K.R.R.C. & 13th Rifle Brigade |
A.E. BRAUND 2nd K.R.R.C. & 13th Rifle Brigade |
J. BREALEY 1/24th London |
P. BRENNAN 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
J. BREWIN 11th Sherwood Foresters |
T. BRIGGS 11th Northumberland Fusiliers |
R.C. BRIND 1/23rd London |
A. BRISTOW 1/24th London |
A.E. BRISTOW 13th Rifle Brigade |
F.W. BRISTOW 2nd Welsh |
H.J. BRISTOW Royal Field Artillery |
W. BROAD 13th Rifle Brigade |
H.F. BROGDEN Royal Field Artillery |
T. BROGDEN 1st Cameronians |
E.M. BROOKES New Zealand Field Artillery |
A. BROWN Royal Army Medical Corps |
A.B. BROWN 1/24th London |
H.W. BROWN Royal Field Artillery |
J.G. BROGDEN Royal Field Artillery |
M.W. BROWN 16th H.L.I. & 1/9th Royal Scots |
R. BROWN 1/9th Durham Light Infantry |
T. BROWN 150h Machine Gun Company |
W.H. BROWN 11th West Yorkshire |
J. BROWNLIE 12th Highland Light Infantry |
T.P. BRYANT Royal Field Artillery |
R. BUCHAN 1/5th Gordon Highlanders |
W.H. BUCKLEY 17th Liverpool & 8th E. Lancashire |
F.C. BUDGEN 1/1st London |
F. BUMFREY Royal Field Artillery |
F.W. BUNDOCK Royal Field Artillery |
W.G. BUNN 10th Rifle Brigade |
W. BUNNEY Royal Field Artillery |
J. BURFUTT 7th The Buffs |
E. BURNELL 13th Rifle Brigade |
J. BURNS 12th West Yorkshire |
R. BURNS 7th/8th K.O.S.B. |
H.W. BURR 1/5th Gordon Highlanders |
A. BURROWES Royal Field Artillery |
S. BURROWS Royal Field Artillery |
J. BURSCOUGH Royal Field Artillery |
S.T. BURT 13th Rifle Brigade |
J.H. BURTON 1/7th Liverpool |
H. BURY 1/7th Liverpool |
W. BUSH 15th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
T. BUTLER 110h Machine Gun Company |
W. BUTLER 20th Manchester |
A.J. BYETT Royal Field Artillery |
C |
T.W. CABLE Royal Field Artillery |
A. CAFFEREY 7th/8th K.O.S.B. |
A. CAMERON 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
C. CAMERON 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
W. CAMERON 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
D.G. CAMPBELL 12th Highland Light Infantry |
G. CAMPBELL 12th Highland Light Infantry |
J. CAMPBELL 13th Royal Scots |
J. CAMPBELL 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers |
J. CAMPBELL 10th Cameronians |
H. CANDLISH 1/7th Gordon Highlanders |
M. CANE 2nd Royal Irish Regiment |
A.C. CANTELL New Zealand Field Artillery |
J.B.C. CAPPER Royal Field Artillery |
G. CARD Royal Field Artillery |
W.H. CARPENTER 16th K.R.R.C. |
R.P. CARR 20th Royal Fusiliers |
A.G. CARRINGTON Royal Field Artillery |
J. CARROLL Royal Field Artillery |
W.S. CARTER 16th Welsh |
W.J.C. CARTER 8th Devonshire |
T. CASE 10th Loyal North Lancashire |
F.L. CASSELS 222nd Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
G. CATTANACH 1/7th Gordon Highlanders |
H.C. CAVENDISH Royal Field Artillery |
A. CAVILL 1st Middlesex |
H. CHADWICK 11th Royal Scots |
J. CHADWICK 2/5th Lancashire Fusiliers |
R. CHALLIS 11th South Wales Borderers |
L.W. CHAMBERLAIN New Zealand Field Artillery |
C.V. CHAPMAN 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
J. CHARD 11th South Wales Borderers |
H.J. CHARLES 16th Welsh |
G.V. CHIDGEY New Zealand Field Artillery |
B.A. CHINE 38h Machine Gun Company |
J. CHRYSTAL 7th East Lancashire |
S. CHURCH 16th Welsh |
P. CLARK 13th Rifle Brigade |
A. CLARKE 1/6th Seaforth Highlanders |
T.H. CLARKE Royal Field Artillery |
S. CLARKE 12th Sherwood Foresters |
E. CLAXTON 12th West Yorkshire |
A. CLAY 1st Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
C.T. CLELAND 2nd Otago |
D. CLEMENT Royal Field Artillery |
H. CLINCH 1/8th Middlesex |
G.A. CLUBB Royal Field Artillery |
D. CLYNE 1st Machine Gun Company |
S.R. COATES 1/7th Worcestershire |
J.D. COCKBURN 1/14th London |
E.I. COLE 1st Northamptonshire |
C.A. COLLIER Army Ordnance Corps |
G. COLLINS 1/4th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
J. COLLINS 18th Highland Light Infantry |
H. COLLINSON 1/5th Yorkshire |
F.E.M. COLLYER Royal Field Artillery |
G.H. CONLEY 23rd Manchester |
J. CONNELL 4th Liverpool |
J.S. CONNELLY 1/9th Highland Light Infantry |
A.C. COOK 4th Liverpool |
A.J. COOK Royal Field Artillery |
A. COOKE Royal Field Artillery |
A. COOMBES 7th Leicestershire |
G. COOPER 1st Middlesex |
J. COOPER 1/4th South Lancashire |
J.L. COOPER 14th Northumberland Fusiliers |
T. COOPER 16th Welsh |
T. COOPER 1/18th London |
E.A. COPLESTON 22nd Royal Fusiliers |
B.R. COPPING 23rd Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
A.H. CORBEN 13th K.R.R.C. |
T. CORNELL 1/24th London |
J. COSSAR 12th Highland Light Infantry |
R. COTTON 15th Cheshire |
A.C. COULSON 1/24th London |
E. COUZENS 7th Leicestershire |
W. COX 23rd Manchester |
R.B. CRACROFT 7th East Yorkshire |
J. CRAGG 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
W.R. CRAIG 15th Durham Light Infantry |
R.R.S. CRAWFORD 1st Cameron Highlanders |
H.J. CREFFIELD 8th Devonshire |
W.A. CROSSKEY 2nd K.R.R.C. |
S. CROSSLEY Royal Army Medical Corps |
G.D.M. CROSSMAN 13th Welsh |
H. CROWSON 1st Lincolnshire |
P. CULLEN 1/6th Durham Light Infantry |
J. CUMMINGS 1/4th R. Welsh Fus. & 1/6th Welsh |
S. CUNNINGTON 8th Leicestershire |
P.L. CURRIE 124th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
S.A. CUTLER 9th Machine Gun Company |
E. CUTTING 1/21st London |
D |
J. D'ARCY 1st Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
A. DALBY 7th Leicestershire |
S. DALE 1/24th London |
S. DALTON 2nd K.R.R.C. |
G.E. DANIELL, MC New Zealand Field Artillery |
A. DANIELS 11th South Wales Borderers |
S. DART 11th South Wales Borderers |
J.H. DAVEY 1st East Yorkshire |
G.W.S. DAVIDSON 1st Cameron Highlanders |
L. DAVIES 1st South Wales Borderers |
S. DAVIES 11th South Wales Borderers |
W. DAVIES 4th Liverpool |
W. DAVIES 16th Welsh |
W. DAVIES 1/6th Welsh |
W.A. DAVIES 11th South Wales Borderers |
W.J. DAVIES 2nd Welsh |
F.H. DAVIS 6th Dorsets. & 1st D.C.L.I. |
H. DAVIS 1/6th Welsh |
R. DAVIS 1st South Wales Borderers |
J. DAVISON 10th Loyal North Lancashire |
T.C. DAVISON 1st West Yorkshire |
J.E. DAWSON Royal Field Artillery |
F.L. DEANE 1/15th London |
F.G. DELAMAIN Royal Field Artillery |
T. DELANEY 8th/10th Gordon Highlanders |
L. DELFOSSE 2nd Welsh |
C.J. DENLY Royal Field Artillery |
J.E. DENNISTON 1st Black Watch |
J. DEVINE Cameronians & 16th Royal Scots |
J. DICK 1/9th Highland Light Infantry |
J.W. DICK 1st East Yorkshire |
C.J.H. DICKINSON 15th Cheshire |
J. DINGWALL 1/6th Black Watch |
B. DIXON 1st West Yorkshire |
C. DODD Royal Field Artillery |
W.H. DODD, MM Royal Field Artillery |
W. DOLAN 111th Machine Gun Company |
C.R.J.R. DOLLING 2nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
J. DONALD 106th Machine Gun Company |
J.G. DONKIN 15th Durham Light Infantry |
S.G. DOVEY 10th Gloucestershire |
A.M. DOW 1/7th Gordon Highlanders |
G. DOWIE 12th Highland Light Infantry |
J. DOWNEY 11th South Wales Borderers |
J.H. DRAKES 2nd York and Lancaster |
G. DRINKWATER Royal Field Artillery |
H.C. DRUMMOND 1/7th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
T.W. DUKES Royal Field Artillery |
F. DUNN 1st West Yorkshire |
J. DUNN Royal Field Artillery |
S. DUNN Royal Field Artillery |
M. DURKIN 16th West Yorkshire |
S. DURY 15th Royal Warwickshire |
E. DWYER, VC 1st East Surrey |
E |
T.W. EADY 1st Northumberland Fusiliers |
A. EASLING 13th Rifle Brigade |
E.R. EDGE Royal Field Artillery |
B.L. EDWARDS 2nd K.R.R.C. & 13th Rifle Brigade |
T. EDWARDS 1/6th Welsh |
J. EGAN 1st Cameronians |
W. ELDRIDGE 10th Gloucestershire |
C.W. ELLIOTT 1/5th Yorkshire |
J.C. ELLIS Royal Field Artillery |
F. ELLISON Royal Field Artillery |
M.F. ELLISON 1/9th Royal Scots |
E. ELWARD 1/6th Welsh |
F.P. ENGLISH Royal Field Artillery |
R.W. ENGLISH 1/14th London |
E. EVANS 2nd Welsh |
E. EVANS 2nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
E.W. EVANS 10th South Wales Borderers |
G.G. EVANS Royal Garrison Artillery |
J. EVANS 115th Machine Gun Company |
M.J. EVERTON 10th South Wales Borderers |
F |
A.W. FANTHAM Royal Field Artillery |
C.H. FARMER 13th Rifle Brigade |
G.A. FARMER 140th Machine Gun Company |
H. FARNSWORTH 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
A.F. FARQUHAR 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
W. FEATHERSTONE 1/5th Yorkshire |
A. FEETHAM 1/5th Border |
T. FERNEYHOUGH 9th North Staffordshire |
J. FIELDING 15th Cheshire |
H.R. FILLERY 13th Rifle Brigade |
J. FINLEY 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
A. FIRMAN Royal Field Artillery |
R. FISHER 1/5th Northumberland Fusiliers |
J. FLELLO 1/6th Welsh |
G.W. FLEMING 1/4th Suffolk |
G.A. FLINTOFT Royal Field Artillery |
A.E. FLOWERS 11th South Wales Borderers |
M. FLYNN Royal Field Artillery |
W. FLYNN 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
B.S. FOLEY Royal Field Artillery |
W.G. FOLLEY 8th Royal Berkshire |
A.J. FORDHAM 1st Middlesex |
A. FORTEY 1st Gloucestershire |
P.V. FOSTER 59th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
R.C. FOSTER Royal Field Artillery |
R.W. FOUNTAIN 1/22nd London |
R. FOWLER 6th/7th Royal Scots Fusiliers |
J. FOX 1/4th Northumberland Fusiliers |
J. FOX 9th North Staffordshire |
W.J. FOX 13th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
A. FRANCIS 13th K.R.R.C. |
D.McP. FRASER 2nd Bedfordshire |
W. FRASER 1st Cameron Highlanders |
H. FRAYE Royal Field Artillery |
W.T. FRICKLETON 1st Canterbury |
J. FROST 1/8th Durham Light Infantry |
S.E. FRYER 2nd Royal Sussex |
A. FULL 1st Middlesex |
G |
T. GAFFEY 17th Lancashire Fusiliers |
H.C. GAINEY 8th Devonshire |
J.G. GALE W6 Trench Mortar Battery |
J. GARBUTT Royal Field Artillery |
E. GATENBY 1/6th Durham Light Infantry |
J.H. GATER 9th North Staffordshire |
T.H. GATES Royal Field Artillery |
O. GEMMELL 8th/10th Gordon Highlanders |
H. GERRARD Royal Field Artillery |
I.T. GIBSON Royal Field Artillery |
J. GIBSON 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers |
T. GIBSON 1/9th Royal Scots |
E.J. GIGGINS Royal Garrison Artillery |
A.A. GILCHRIST Argyll and Sut. H.. & 1st Cameron H. |
W. GILCHRIST 10th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
F. GILL, MM Royal Field Artillery |
J.G. GILL 16th Royal Scots |
R.J. GILLAN Royal Army Medical Corps |
A.S. GILMOUR 11th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
J. GILMOUR 152nd Machine Gun Company |
F. GLOVER 13th Liverpool |
T. GLYNN 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers |
V. GODDARD 10th Royal Warwickshire |
W.G. GODFREY 16th Welsh |
W.A. GODWIN Royal Field Artillery |
T.A. GOLDBY 1/4th Yorkshire |
J. GOLDIE 1/8th Royal Scots |
B. GOLDSTRAW 9th North Staffordshire |
W. GOODALL Royal Field Artillery |
G.L. GOODES, MC and Bar 140th Trench Mortar Battery |
J.W. GOODLEY 1st South Staffordshire |
A. GOODMAN Royal Field Artillery |
C. GOODWIN 13th K.R.R.C. |
J. GORDON 24th Northumberland Fusiliers |
A. GORE 11th South Wales Borderers |
S. GOUGH 13th Northumberland Fusiliers |
A. GRANT 1/6th Gordon Highlanders |
J. GRANT 11th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
K.H. GRANT 8th Seaforth Highlanders |
S. GRANT 13th Northumberland Fusiliers |
F.J. GRAY Royal Field Artillery |
G. GRAY 8th Seaforth Highlanders |
J. GRAY 152nd Machine Gun Company |
S. GRAY 1/5th Gordon Highlanders |
T. GRAY 1/5th Yorkshire |
J.A. GREEN 1/24th London |
W. GREEN 2nd D.o.W. & 26th Northumberland F. |
T.J. GREENAN Australian Field Artillery |
A.J. GREENAWAY Royal Field Artillery |
D. GREIG Royal Field Artillery |
J. GREIG 1/6th Gordon Highlanders |
H. GRIFFIN 8th/10th Gordon Highlanders |
T. GRIFFIN 8th Royal Irish Fusiliers |
W. GRIFFITH 14th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
I.S. GRIFFITHS 15th Welsh |
F. GROOM Royal Field Artillery |
R.J. GROSSICK 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
C. GWILLIAM 7th K.S.L.I. |
H |
J.T. HABERFIELD Royal Field Artillery |
R. HAGUE Royal Field Artillery |
E.S. HAIGH 8th Leicestershire |
J.R. HALFORD 7th K.S.L.I. |
G.W. HALL 1/12th London |
H.E. HALL 38th Signal Coy, Royal Engineers |
T.G. HALL 7th Leicestershire |
A.E. HALLOWAY 1st Middlesex |
E. HALPIN 7th East Lancashire |
J. HALTON Royal Field Artillery |
A.G. HAMILTON 1st Black Watch |
A.P. HAMILTON, MC The Queen's & 1/19th London |
D. HAMILTON 5th/6th Cameronians |
J.R. HAMILTON 1/9th Royal Scots |
W. HAMILTON Royal Field Artillery |
F. HAMMOND 1st Devonshire |
C. HANCOCK 7th East Surrey |
W.J. HANCOCK 1/9th Highland Light Infantry |
H. HAND 13th Trench Mortar Battery |
A.D. HANNIGAN 18th Highland Light Infantry |
J. HANRATTY 20th Northumberland Fusiliers |
H. HARDWIDGE 15th Welsh |
T. HARDWIDGE 15th Welsh |
P. HARGRAVE 8th Devonshire |
C.H. HARGRAVES Australian Field Artillery |
L. HARGREAVES 13th Liverpool |
G. HARPER 1/4th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
W. HARRIES 11th South Wales Borderers |
J. HARRIS 7th East Lancashire |
T.J. HARRIS 124th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
J. HARRISON 8th North Staffordshire |
J.P. HARRISON 20th Liverpool |
W. HARRISON 18th Middlesex |
W. HARVEY 1/8th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
H.J. HATHERALL 11th South Wales Borderers |
E. HATTON Royal Field Artillery |
A.S. HAVERON 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
C.T. HAWKINS 7th K.S.L.I. |
R.T. HAY 2nd Otago |
W. HAYHURST Royal Field Artillery |
R. HEAL 15th Cheshire |
J. HEALEY 16th Welsh |
P. HEARTY Royal Field Artillery |
T. HEATHCOCK 7th East Yorkshire |
A. HENDERSON Royal Army Medical Corps |
C.E.P. HENDERSON, MC Royal Field Artillery |
R. HERRICK 23rd Manchester |
W.H. HIGGINS 2nd Machine Gun Company |
J.E. HIGGS 54th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
T. HIGSON 10th Loyal North Lancashire |
A. HILL 1st Middlesex |
C.A.W. HILL 1st West Yorkshire |
L. HILL 8th Royal Irish Fusiliers |
R.E. HILL 26th Royal Fusiliers |
J. HILTON 23rd Manchester |
J.H. HILTON 7th/8th K.O.S.B. |
F.F. HIND 110th Trench Mortar Battery |
J.E. HINDE 1/4th South Lancashire |
A. HINGLEY 11th South Wales Borderers |
A. HINTON Royal Field Artillery |
W.R. HINTON 2nd Border |
A.J. HOARE 2nd Wellington |
C. HOARE 16th Welsh |
G. HOARE 1/6th Welsh |
J. HOARE 13th Rifle Brigade |
C. HOBKIRK 8th Leicestershire |
A. HOBSON 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
C. HODSON Royal Field Artillery |
B.B. HOGG 13th Northumberland Fusiliers |
D.S. HOGG Royal Field Artillery |
A.G. HOGGETT 208th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
S.N. HOLDEN 14th Royal Warwickshire |
W. HOLDER 11th South Wales Borderers |
F.E. HOLDOM Royal Army Medical Corps |
E. HOLLAND 9th Leicestershire |
H. HOLLIN 1st West Yorkshire |
R. HOLMAN 1st West Yorkshire |
H.J. HOLMES Royal Field Artillery |
A. HOLT 8th Devonshire |
J.C. HOOK Royal Army Medical Corps |
E. HOOPER 7th Loyal North Lancashire |
G. HOOPER 1/6th Welsh |
G. HOPWOOD 1/5th Yorkshire |
J. HORABIN 7th Leicestershire |
G.V. HORAN 8th Devonshire |
W.E. HORNBY 7th East Lancashire |
W.J. HORNSEY 1/5th Yorkshire |
L. HORSLEY 11th Royal Warwickshire |
N. HOSKINGS 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers |
J.T. HOUSE Royal Field Artillery |
G.F. HOWELL 1st South Staffordshire |
C.W. HUBBARD 178th Tunnelling Coy, R.E. |
A. HUGHES 20th Liverpool |
A.L. HUGHES New Zealand Field Artillery |
H. HUGHES 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
W. HUGHES Royal Field Artillery |
W. HUGHES 1/4th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
J.C.M. HUNT Royal Field Artillery |
A. HUNTER 1/7th Black Watch |
W.J. HUTCHINGS Royal Army Medical Corps |
I. HUTCHINSON 4th Liverpool |
W. HYDE 10th South Wales Borderers |
I |
J. IMLACH 1/7th Gordon Highlanders |
S. INGHAM 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
W.R. INGLE 13th Rifle Brigade |
M.P. INGLIS R.A.M.C. & 1/5th Border |
W.S. INMAN 1/4th Royal Lancaster |
L.L. IRELAND 1/7th Gordon Highlanders |
J |
W. JACK 12th Highland Light Infantry |
H. JACKSON Royal Army Medical Corps |
W. JACKSON Royal Army Medical Corps |
P.G. JACOB New Zealand Field Artillery |
F. JACQUES 11th Sherwood Foresters |
E. JAMES 2nd Welsh |
W.C. JAMES 16th Welsh |
W. JAMIESON 13th Royal Scots |
W.N. JARRETT 1st Rifle Brigade & 16th K.R.R.C. |
C. JARVIS Royal Field Artillery |
J.E. JASPER 1st East Surrey |
W.D. JENNINGS 1/6th Welsh |
G.M. JERMY 2nd New Zealand M.G. Coy |
W.C. JERRAM 14th Welsh |
J. JESSIMAN 6th Cameron Highlanders |
E.D. JOB Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) |
H.P. JOBSON Royal Army Medical Corps |
J. JOHNS 152nd Machine Gun Coy |
H.H. JOHNSON Royal Army Medical Corps |
J. JOHNSON 23rd Manchester |
W.W. JOHNSON Royal Field Artillery |
D. JOHNSTON Royal Scots & 5th/6th Cameronians |
G. JOHNSTON 1/6th Gordon Highlanders |
H.B.H. JOHNSTON, DSO Royal Garrison Artillery |
E. JONES 11th South Wales Borderers |
H.V. JONES 13th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
J. JONES 16th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
J.W. JONES 2nd K.O.S.B. & 1st Cameronians |
J.W. JONES 2nd Wellington |
N.P. JONES Royal Army Medical Corps |
R.W. JONES 95th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
T. JONES 10th Yorkshire |
W.A. JONES 19th Welsh |
W.M. JONES 1/6th Welsh |
H. JORDAN 13th Rifle Brigade |
J. JOYCE Royal Field Artillery |
P. JOYCE 2nd Welsh |
K |
J. KAYE 1/6th Black Watch |
P. KEEGAN 1st Machine Gun Coy |
P. KEEGANS 6th Cameron Highlanders |
A.B. KEENS 1st West Yorkshire |
J.J. KELLY 16th Royal Scots |
J.W. KELLY 1/5th Border |
P. KELLY 10th/11th Highland Light Infantry |
T.A. KELLY 1/24th London |
W.E. KENDRICK 1st Middlesex |
J.R. KENEFECK 4th Middlesex |
E.J. KENNEALY Royal Field Artillery |
J. KENNEDY 203rd Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
A. KERR Royal Field Artillery |
S. KERRY 12th West Yorkshire |
H. KEY 11th South Wales Borderers |
R. KEYSER 1st Northamptonshire |
G.E. KIDD Royal Field Artillery |
H. KILLINGBACK 11th South Wales Borderers |
F. KINDER 2nd K.R.R.C. |
W.H. KINDRED Royal Field Artillery |
G.J. KING 9th Leicestershire |
L.C. KIRKHAM 7th East Lancashire |
P.W. KISLINGBURY 1st Northamptonshire |
W.H. KITCHELL 7th/8th K.O.S.B. |
L |
H. LAMB 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
H. LAMBERT 1st K.O.S.B. & 1st R. Scots Fusiliers |
J. LANDERS 1/7th Durham Light Infantry |
A.G. LANE 13th K.R.R.C. |
H.J. LANE 1st Gloucestershire |
T. LANG 7th Loyal North Lancashire |
A.G. LAVER 11th Essex |
B. LAWRENCE 1st Gordon Highlanders |
R.C. LAWRENCE Royal Field Artillery |
H. LAWSON 10th/11th Highland Light Infantry |
J. LAWSON 15th Durham Light Infantry |
W. LAWSON 8th Royal Irish Fusiliers |
H. LEADBITTER 14th Northumberland Fusiliers |
C. LEDWARDS 16th Welsh |
E. LEE 11th Suffolk |
F.E. LEE 1/12th London |
J. LEE 16th Royal Warwickshire |
G. LESLEY 1/24th London |
D.B. LEWIS 13th Welsh |
W.H. LEWIS 2nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
C.E. LINCEY 1/4th Royal Lancaster |
J. LINDSAY, MM 1st Machine Gun Company |
W.T. LITTLER Royal Field Artillery |
J. LIVESEY 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
I.J. LLEWELLYN 11th South Wales Borderers |
A.D. LLOYD Royal Field Artillery |
A.L. LLOYD Royal Army Medical Corps |
D. LLOYD Royal Field Artillery |
D. LLOYD Royal Field Artillery |
T.Y. LLOYD 10th Welsh |
R. LOGAN 27th Northumberland Fusiliers |
A. LONGWORTH 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
A. LOOMES 12th West Yorkshire |
E. LOOP Royal Field Artillery |
R. LOTT 1/6th Welsh |
G. LOVEJOY Royal Field Artillery |
A. LOVELL 10th South Wales Borderers |
N.H. LOWE Australian Provost Corps |
W.A. LOWES Royal Field Artillery |
R. LOWTHER Australian Field Artillery |
F. LUDLOW 10th South Wales Borderers |
H. LUNT 21st Manchester |
A.J. LUXFORD 10th Rifle Brigade |
M. LYNN 1st West Yorkshire |
M |
J. MacDONALD 1/8th Royal Scots |
W. MacDONALD 1/9th Highland Light Infantry |
J. MacFADYEN 1st Black Watch |
A. MACK 1/7th Black Watch |
M. MACKAY 13th Royal Scots |
A. MacKENZIE 1st Cameron Highlanders |
P. MacKENZIE 7th K.S.L.I. |
H. MACKEY 1/4th Northumberland Fusiliers |
D. MacLEOD 1st Cameron Highlanders |
M. MacLEOD 11th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
W. MacMASTER Royal Field Artillery |
I. MacPHERSON 19th Machine Gun Company |
J.H. MacRAE 1st Cameronians |
P.A.C. MAGINN, MC 1/18th London |
C. MAGUIRE, MM 12th East Surrey |
T.J. MAINPRIZE 1/5th Yorkshire |
W.C.P. MALEY 1st Gloucestershire |
J. MALLEY Royal Field Artillery |
T. MANCEY Royal Field Artillery |
W.R. MANN 208th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
H. MARLEY Royal Field Artillery |
D. MARR 2nd Royal Scots |
N. MARSHALL Royal Army Medical Corps |
A. MARTIN 2nd Royal Scots |
D. MARTIN 16th Welsh |
P. MARTIN Royal Field Artillery |
W.H. MARTIN 1/24th London |
G.T. MARTINSON 150th Machine Gun Company |
C. MASSEY 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
E. MASSEY 6th Leicestershire |
S. MASSEY Special Brigade, Royal Engineers |
F. MASTERS Royal Field Artillery |
T. MATHER 7th/8th K.O.S.B. |
W. MATHER 15th Welsh |
G.E. MATHIAS 19th Machine Gun Company |
G.T. MATTHEWS Royal Field Artillery |
L.P. MAURICE New Zealand Medical Corps |
F.R. MAYNE 16th Welsh |
W. MAYOH 17th Liverpool |
J. McCARRON 9th Black Watch |
J. McCLUSKEY 8th Seaforth Highlanders |
R. McCLUSKIE 12th Highland Light Infantry |
J. McCOMB 24th Northumberland Fusiliers |
J. McCONNELL 1/5th Gordon Highlanders |
J.O. McCONVILLE 17th Lancashire Fusiliers |
G. McDONALD 54th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
J.A. McFARLANE 12th Highland Light Infantry |
J. McFAUL 1/6th Black Watch |
H. McFAULDS 1/7th Gordon Highlanders |
J. McGIBBEN Royal Field Artillery |
D. McGRATH 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers |
J. McKAY 1/8th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
J. McKENNA 13th Liverpool |
G. McKENZIE 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
D. McKIE 1/9th Durham Light Infantry |
C. McLAUCHLAN 13th Royal Scots |
J. McLAUGHLAN 2nd Wellington |
H. McLAUGHLIN Royal Garrison Artillery |
S. McLEAN 13th Royal Scots |
W.H. McLELLAND 9th K.O.Y.L.I. |
H.R. McLENNAN 1/9th Royal Scots |
D. McLEOD 18th Middlesex |
S. McLEOD 1st Cameron Highlanders |
J. McMAHON 13th K.R.R.C. |
P. McMAHON 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers |
W.B. McMICHAEL 1/7th Gordon Highlanders |
J. McNAMARA 18th Highland Light Infantry |
D.C. McNAUGHTON 1st Black Watch |
J. McNEICE 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers |
W. McNEIL 8th/10th Gordon Highlanders |
P. McPHEE 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
W. McPHERSON 8th/10th Gordon Highlanders |
J. MIDDLEDITCH Royal Field Artillery |
P. MIDDLETON 16th Welsh |
R. MILES 1st Norfolk |
H. MILL 13th Trench Mortar Battery |
J.O. MILLAR 1/9th Royal Scots |
W.G. MILLAR 7th East Yorkshire |
D. MILLER, MM 8th Seaforth Highlanders |
H.F. MILLER 1st South Wales Borderers |
W. MILLER 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
C. MILLS 1/8th Royal Scots |
J.W. MILLS 10th Rifle Brigade |
J. MILNE 1/5th Gordon Highlanders |
J. MILNE 1/6th Gordon Highlanders |
W. MILNE 1/5th Liverpool |
L.W. MINORS 1st Middlesex |
S. MITCHELL 1st East Surrey |
T. MITCHESON 9th Devonshire |
L.W. MOBBERLEY, MC 1/24th London |
F.G. MODLEY 1st Middlesex |
R. MOFFATT 10th Northumberland Fusiliers |
G.W. MOIR 5th/6th Cameronians |
J. MONAGHAN 10th Cameronians |
R. MOODY 10th/11th Highland Light Infantry |
T.W. MOODY Royal Field Artillery |
J.L. MOON 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
J. MOONEY 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
F. MOORE 9th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
F. MORAN 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers |
T. MORAN 12th West Yorkshire |
B. MORGAN 10th South Wales Borderers |
G.H. MORGAN 8th Devonshire |
J.H. MORRIS 1/6th Welsh |
L.T. MORRIS R.A.M.C. & 2nd York and Lancaster |
W. MORRIS 2nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
C. MORRISON 19th Machine Gun Company |
J. MORTIMER 1/5th Yorkshire |
D. MORTON 1st Black Watch |
W.O. MOSELEY 9th Leicestershire |
H.S. MOSS 1/23rd London |
P.Q. MUIRHEAD Royal Field Artillery |
D. MULHERON 8th Royal Irish Fusiliers |
A.J. MURPHY 38th Signal Coy, Royal Engineers |
A. MURRAY Royal Field Artillery |
E. MURRAY 12th Manchester |
E.S. MURRAY 6th/7th Royal Scots Fusiliers |
I. MURRAY 11th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
J. MURRAY 16th Welsh |
W. MURRAY 11th South Wales Borderers |
C. MUTCH 1/5th Gordon Highlanders |
N |
G. NEALE 8th Royal Berkshire |
J. NEILL 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers |
J. NEILSON 18th Highland Light Infantry |
A. NELMES 1/4th Yorkshire |
E.G. NEW Royal Field Artillery |
H.J. NEWBOLD 10th Rifle Brigade |
W. NEWBY Royal Field Artillery |
G. NICHOLSON 1/5th Yorkshire |
W. NICKLIN Special Brigade, Royal Engineers |
J. NICOL 2/2nd Highland F.C., Royal Engineers |
J. NIGHTINGALE 17th Lancashire Fusiliers |
M. NIGHTINGALE 24th Northumberland Fusiliers |
A. NORRIE, MM 1st Black Watch |
E.P. NORTHCOTE 1/6th Welsh |
J. NUGENT Royal Field Artillery |
J. NUTTALL 10th Loyal North Lancashire |
O |
F. O'BRIEN 2nd Royal Scots Fusiliers |
P. O'BRIEN 2nd Royal Scots Fusiliers |
W.T. O'BRIEN Royal Field Artillery |
O.H.C. O'DELL 1/3rd London |
H.W. O'KILL 13th Rifle Brigade |
A.T. OLIVER 16th Welsh |
C.F.H. OLIVER 12th West Yorkshire |
E.F. OLIVER 11th South Wales Borderers |
G. OLIVER 1/4th Northumberland Fusiliers |
J.J. ORMOND 16th Welsh |
E. ORRELL 7th Royal Lancaster |
P |
W.T. PACKER Royal Field Artillery |
J.T. PALMER 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
W.H. PALMER Royal Army Medical Corps |
C.H. PARKER Royal Field Artillery |
G.H. PARKER 13th Rifle Brigade |
G.B. PARNELL 1st The Queen's |
J.A.P. PARNELL 1st Gloucestershire |
T.R. PARRY, MM 10th Welsh |
J.A. PASK 9th Leicestershire |
T. PASSMORE Royal Field Artillery |
A. PATERSON 11th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
R.P. PAUL Royal Field Artillery |
W. PAVEY 16th Welsh |
J. PAYNE 6th Leicestershire |
H.E. PEAK Australian Provost Corps |
F.B. PEARCE Royal Field Artillery |
J. PEARCE 1st East Surrey |
C. PEEBLES 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers |
H. PEET Royal Field Artillery |
F.W. PENLINGTON New Zealand Medical Corps |
J.H. PEPPER 7th Leicestershire |
M. PERCIVAL 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
A.O.. PETTYFER Royal Field Artillery |
E. PHILBY 1/8th Middlesex |
H. PHILBY 1/8th Middlesex |
B. PHILLIPS Royal Field Artillery |
F. PHILLIPS 1/6th Welsh |
H.W. PHILLIPS 1st Signal Coy, Royal Engineers |
J.W. PHILLIPS 6th York and Lancaster |
J. PHILP Royal Field Artillery |
E.E. PICKERING 1/6th Black Watch |
H. PICKERSGILL 1/4th Yorkshire |
J. PICKETT 11th Rifle Brigade |
A. PIERCE 2nd Royal Sussex |
G.F. PIGGOTT South African Heavy Artillery |
E.J. PINCHEN 6th Wiltshire |
W.J. PINNINGTON 17th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
A. PLIMMER 13th Rifle Brigade |
J. POLLOCK 5th/6th Cameronians |
P. POLLOCK 13th Royal Scots |
O.J. POOLE 16th Welsh |
C.H. POTTER Royal Field Artillery |
E. POTTER 1/4th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
S. POTTER 10th Welsh |
J. POULSON 9th Gordon Highlanders |
W. POWELL Royal Field Artillery |
W.E. POWELL Royal Army Medical Corps |
E.G. PRAILL Royal Field Artillery |
G.W. PRATT 9th South Staffordshire |
A. PRESTON 13th Royal Scots |
A. PRICE 1/4th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
E. PRICE 18th Middlesex |
J.E. PRICE 8th Leicestershire |
W.H.F. PRICE 1/6th Welsh |
H.A. PRIOR 1st Middlesex |
L.M.S. PRIOR Royal Field Artillery |
A.T. PRITCHARD 1st Rifle Brigade & 16th K.R.R.C. |
J.J. PUGH 1st Middlesex |
E.J. PUSCH 11th Royal Warwickshire |
Q |
R. QUANTRELL 208th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
W.H. QUARRY 20th Royal Fusiliers |
F. QUINN 16th Welsh |
A.C. QUINTON 2nd Royal Sussex |
R |
J. RAINE Royal Field Artillery |
W.D. RANDALL Royal Army Medical Corps |
G.H. RAWLINSON 18th Middlesex |
G. RAYSON 59th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
T. REDFERN 12th Sherwood Foresters |
W. REDPATH 1st Machine Gun Company |
W.N. REED, MC Royal Garrison Artillery |
S. REES 1st South Wales Borderers |
A. REID 13th Royal Scots |
G. REID 12th Highland Light Infantry |
J. REID 1/8th Royal Scots |
N. REYNOLDS 7th Loyal North Lancashire |
J.W. RHOADES 2nd York and Lancaster |
L.A. RIAL Australian Field Artillery |
J. RICHARDS 16th Welsh |
A.H. RICHARDSON 2nd Royal Sussex |
H. RICHARDSON Machine Gun Corps |
J. RICHARDSON 1/8th Royal Scots |
H. RICHFIELD Royal Field Artillery |
H.J. RICKETTS New Zealand Field Artillery |
R.A. RIDDELL 5th/6th Cameronians |
T.W. RIDOUT 1st Middlesex |
W. RILEY Royal Field Artillery |
H.E. RINALDI New Zealand Field Artillery |
W.M. ROBBINS 1/6th Seaforth Highlanders |
A. ROBERTS 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
C.W.G. ROBERTS 1st South Wales Borderers |
H.W.C. ROBERTS 2nd K.R.R.C. & 13th Rifle Brigade |
T.E. ROBERTS 13th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
S.H. ROBERTS 15th Royal Warwickshire |
W.V. ROBERTS 9th Machine Gun Company |
J. ROBERTSON 10th/11th Highland Light Infantry |
D.J. ROBINS 11th South Wales Borderers |
F. ROBINSON 1st Cheshire |
H. ROBSON 1/5th Yorkshire |
F.T. ROGERS 24th Northumberland Fusiliers |
A.H. ROSE 2nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
J. ROSS 1/8th Royal Scots |
J.A. ROSS 178th Tunnelling Coy, R.E. |
J.E. ROTHBAND 23rd Manchester |
J. ROURKE 13th Welsh |
A. ROWAN 1st Cameron Highlanders |
F. ROWLANDS 16th Welsh |
J.F. ROWNEY 8th Royal Berkshire |
E. RUNDLE 16th Welsh |
A. RUSSELL 12th Highland Light Infantry |
H. RUSSELL Royal Field Artillery |
J. RYAN 2nd Royal Irish Regiment |
S |
A.H. SADLER 1/24th London |
J. SANDBERG 9th Welsh |
W. SANDERSON 2nd Royal Scots Fusiliers |
A.P. SARGEANT 9th Leicestershire |
E.A. SAUNDERS 8th Royal Berkshire |
W.H.B. SAVILLE Royal Field Artillery |
J.B.H.vT. SAXON New Zealand Field Artillery |
A. SCANDLE 1/9th Durham Light Infantry |
R.J. SCARBOROUGH 14th Royal Warwickshire |
A. SCOTT Royal Field Artillery |
D. SCOTT Royal Field Artillery |
J. SCOTT 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
R. SCOTT Royal Field Artillery |
T. SEALE 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers |
S.M. SEE Royal Field Artillery |
R.H. SHANKS 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
J.W. SHARP 1st Middlesex |
D. SHAUGHNESSY 19th Welsh |
T.W. SHAW 16th Welsh |
W. SHAW 10th/11th Highland Light Infantry |
A.J. SHEARMAN Royal Field Artillery |
A. SHERMAN 1/4th East Yorkshire |
J.A. SHERRET 2nd Wellington |
E.J. SHERWOOD 1st Middlesex |
A.D. SHEWAN 11th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
D. SHIELDS 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
F. SHILLCROSS 7th Leicestershire |
W. SHIRREFFS Royal Field Artillery |
A.V. SHUTE 3rd New Zealand Rifle Brigade |
J.M. SHUTTLEWORTH A.O.C. & Royal Field Artillery |
G. SILVER Australian Field Artillery |
W. SIME Royal Garrison Artillery |
E.G. SIMMONDS 1/6th London |
J. SIMPSON 1/6th Black Watch |
J. SIMPSON 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
C. SIMS, MM Royal Army Medical Corps |
I.H. SINCLAIR 2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers |
T.H. SKEET 1/17th London |
C.H. SKIDMORE Royal Field Artillery |
J. SKINNER Royal Field Artillery |
T.J. SKINNER 1st Devonshire |
J.A. SMILIE 1/6th Seaforth Highlanders |
A. SMITH 20th Royal Fusiliers |
A. SMITH 1/4th Suffolk |
E. SMITH 9th Leicestershire |
G. SMITH 10th Loyal North Lancashire |
G.A.P. SMITH Royal Field Artillery |
H.B. SMITH 208th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
H.T. SMITH 1/22nd London |
J. SMITH 10th/11th Highland Light Infantry |
M. SMITH 1st Gloucestershire |
R. SMITH 4th Liverpool |
R.J. SMITH 1st Middlesex |
T.P. SMITH Royal Field Artillery |
W. SMITH 1st Cameron Highlanders |
H.L. SMY 1st Northamptonshire |
R.S.R. SMYLIE 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers |
S.R. SNOW Royal Field Artillery |
T. SOLMAN 1st Middlesex |
S.J. SOPER Royal Field Artillery |
S.H. SPATCHETT 1/24th London |
J.D.W. SPENCE 1st Black Watch |
R.I.B. SPENCER 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers |
F.B. SPILSBURY New Zealand Field Artillery |
H. SPOTSWOOD 1st Royal Lancaster |
R.H. SPRAGUE Machine Gun Corps |
J. SPRY 1/1st Northumbrian F.C., R.E. |
H. SQUELCH, DCM Royal Field Artillery |
C. SQUIRES 20th Royal Fusiliers |
E.C. SQUIRES, MC 12th West Yorkshire |
R.W. STARBUCK 13th Rifle Brigade |
T. STEVENSON 1/8th Middlesex |
H. STEWART 1st K.O.S.B. & 1st R. Scots Fusiliers |
P. STEWART 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
T.M. STOCKER 12th Gloucestershire |
A. STOCKS 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
A. STONE 1st Machine Gun Company |
C.E. STONE Royal Field Artillery |
C.E. STONEHOUSE 1/5th Yorkshire |
J.T. STOREY 19th Northumberland Fusiliers |
H.C. STRATFOLD Royal Field Artillery |
T. STUART 1st K.O.S.B. & 1st R. Scots Fusiliers |
A. STURROCK 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers |
G. STURROCK 2nd Machine Gun Company |
E. STYLES 13th Liverpool |
G. SUMMERFIELD 1st Middlesex |
T. SUMNER Royal Field Artillery |
F. SUSTINS 208th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
T. SUTHERLAND Royal Army Medical Corps |
G.H. SWAN 1st Royal Scots Fusiliers |
J. SYMON 2nd Royal Scots |
T |
J. TAMPLIN 124th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
A. TASKER 1/7th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
J. TASSIE 18th Highland Light Infantry |
C.E. TAYLOR 9th Machine Gun Company |
H. TAYLOR Royal Field Artillery |
J. TAYLOR 1/8th Durham Light Infantry |
J. TAYLOR 1/6th Gordon Highlanders |
J.W. TAYLOR 2nd York and Lancaster |
R. TAYLOR 1/7th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |
T.S. TAYLOR 1st East Yorkshire |
T. TEDSTONE 16th Welsh |
W.A. THODY 2nd Bedfordshire |
D. THOM 10th/11th Highland Light Infantry |
A. THOMAS 14th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
J.J.A. THOMAS 15th Welsh |
W. THOMAS 16th Welsh |
G. THOMPSON 1st Middlesex |
W. THOMS Royal Garrison Artillery |
J. THOMSON 154th Machine Gun Company |
E.E. THORNTON 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
R. THORNTON 1/7th Durham Light Infantry |
J.S. TILLEY 11th South Wales Borderers |
T. TIMMS 8th Royal Berkshire |
W.D. TODD Cameronians & 11th Argyll Suth. H. |
G. TODMAN Royal Garrison Artillery |
G.H. TOMLIN 16th Welsh |
W.A. TOMSON Royal Garrison Artillery |
J. TOTTMAN 2nd Royal Sussex |
J. TOWN Royal Army Medical Corps |
T. TRAIN Royal Field Artillery |
A. TREGASKIS 16th Welsh |
L. TREGASKIS 16th Welsh |
W.G. TREMAIN Royal Field Artillery |
J.R. TRINDER, MC 1/18th London |
E. TROLLEY 1st Northamptonshire |
W. TRUEMAN 22nd Machine Gun Company |
T.G. TURNBULL 1/8th Royal Scots |
E.B. TURNER Royal Field Artillery |
H.K. TURNER 1/4th Suffolk |
H.N. TURNER 12th West Yorkshire |
J. TURNER 9th North Staffordshire |
A. TYLER 9th Leicestershire |
U |
J. UNSWORTH 1st Loyal North Lancashire |
V |
S.A. VARNHAM 9th East Surrey |
J. VAUGHAN Royal Garrison Artillery |
W. VAVIA New Zealand Pioneers |
A. VERITY Royal Army Medical Corps |
J.H. VERNON 12th York and Lancs. & 26th N. Fus. |
F.J. VICARY Royal Field Artillery |
T.J. VINCE 13th K.R.R.C. |
O.J. VINER 20th K.R.R.C. |
H. VIRGO 1st Middlesex |
W |
E.K. WAKEFORD 7th Leicestershire |
J.H. WAKEMAN 9th Machine Gun Company |
J. WALKER, MM Royal Field Artillery |
W. WALKER 1/6th Gordon Highlanders |
J. WALLACE 12th Highland Light Infantry |
G. WALLER 1/7th Durham Light Infantry |
S. WALLWORK, MM 7th K.S.L.I. |
S. WALTON 13th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
D. WARD Royal Field Artillery |
F.V. WARD-JONES, MC 1st South Wales Borderers |
W.K. WARE Royal Field Artillery |
F.F. WARREN 1/5th London |
A. WATSON, MM 16th K.R.R.C. |
A.C. WATTS 2nd Bedfordshire |
H. WEBB Gloster Rgt & 9th Devonshire |
H.C. WEBB 1/5th Border |
R. WEBB New Zealand Pioneers |
A. WEBSTER 1/5th Gordon Highlanders |
G.H. WEIGHT 6th Wiltshire |
H. WESTLAKE Royal Field Artillery |
T.W. WHATELEY 13th K.R.R.C. |
W.R. WHEELER 1/24th London |
F. WHITE 1st Cheshire |
J. WHITE 1/9th Royal Scots |
J.A. WHITE 13th K.R.R.C. |
S.S. WHITE Royal Field Artillery |
F. WHITEHEAD 16th K.R.R.C. |
P. WHITEHEAD, MM 1/21st London |
C. WHITELEY 1st Middlesex |
J.W. WHITFIELD 1/4th Northumberland Fusiliers |
W. WHITFIELD 1/8th Durham Light Infantry |
F.J. WICKS 10th Gloucestershire |
H. WIDDOWSON 2nd York and Lancaster |
A. WIGGINS 4th Liverpool |
T.S. WIGHT 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
J. WILBUR 6th Leicestershire |
H. WILKES 15th Trench Mortar Battery |
W. WILKINS 8th Royal Berkshire |
D.C. WILLIAMS 4th New Zealand Rifle Brigade |
E. WILLIAMS Royal Field Artillery |
F. WILLIAMS 126th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
F.A. WILLIAMS 13th Middlesex |
F.W. WILLIAMS 1st Middlesex |
H.E.G. WILLIAMS New Zealand Machine Gun Corps |
J. WILLIAMS 12th Manchester |
M. WILLIAMS 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
P.R. WILLIAMS 15th Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
R. WILLIAMS 9th North Staffordshire |
R.E. WILLIAMSON 12th West Yorkshire |
A. WILLOCK 1/7th Gordon Highlanders |
J. WILMOTT 1st Northamptonshire |
A.V. WILSON 1/24th London |
D.P. WILSON 8th/10th Gordon Highlanders |
G. WILSON 12th West Yorkshire |
H. WILSON 13th Liverpool |
J. WILSON 1st Cameron Highlanders |
P.S. WILSON 2nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
R. WILSON 15th Durham Light Infantry |
S. WILSON 1/7th Durham Light Infantry |
G. WINTON 1/6th Gordon Highlanders |
H.G. WINWOOD 2nd Welsh |
J.F. WISE 10th Gloucestershire |
H. WOLSTENHOLME Royal Field Artillery |
C. WOOD 2nd York and Lancaster |
T. WOOD 12th Northumberland Fusiliers |
E. WOODCOCK 7th Leicestershire |
F. WOODCOCK 1/5th Yorkshire |
P.J. WOODS 208th Field Coy, Royal Engineers |
C.G. WOODWARD 150th Trench Mortar Battery |
H.H. WOODWARD 17th Liverpool |
P.H. WOODWARD 1st Gloucestershire |
J.W. WOOLDRIDGE 1/24th London |
P. WOOLDRIDGE 1/22nd London |
G. WOOLLEY 7th Leicestershire |
C. WOOLSTON 13th Rifle Brigade |
W.B. WORSFOLD 1st Devonshire |
T. WORT 8th Royal Berkshire |
W. WORTHINGTON Royal Field Artillery |
B. WRIGHT 2nd Welsh |
G. WRIGHT 18th Middlesex |
G.C. WRIGHT 1st Auckland |
J.W. WYATT 13th Rifle Brigade |
Y |
S.L. YATES 2nd K.R.R.C. & 13th Rifle Brigade |
A.W. YOUNG 1st Cameron Highlanders |
R. YOUNG 11th Argyll and Sutherland Highl. |